Cicero’s role models: the political strategy of a newcomer

Auteur: Blom, Henriette van der
Titre: Cicero’s role models: the political strategy of a newcomer
Revue/Collection: Oxford classical monographs
Lieu èdition: Oxford
Éditeur: Oxford University Press
Annèe edition: 2010
Pages: 388
Mots-clès: Biographie - Biografia - Biography, Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: [Blom, Henriette van der] [Abstract] This book is about the famous Roman orator and statesman Cicero and his rhetorical and political strategy as a newcomer in Roman republican politics. Henriette van der Blom argues that Cicero advertised himself as a follower of chosen models of behaviour from the past - his role models - and in turn presented himself as a role model to others. This new angle provides fresh insights into the political and literary career of one of the best-known Romans, and into the political discourse of the late Roman Republic. Table of Contents Introduction 1. Mos, maiores, and historical exempla in Roman culture and society 2. Mos, maiores, and historical exempla in Cicero I. Cicero, the homo novus 3. Cicero’s background and education 4. Nobilis and homo novus II. Cicero’s use of historical exempla 5. Definitions of historical exempla and personal exemplum 6. The nature and functions of historical exempla III. Cicero’s role models 7. Cicero’s alternative claims to ancestry 8. Cicero’s use of personal exempla IV. Cicero as exemplum 9. Cicero’s roles as exemplum 10. An exemplum and teacher to the younger generation 11. A family exemplum Conclusion
Sigle auteur: Blom 2010