Cicero’s view on the duties of an ideal Roman citizen – Взгляд Цицерона на обязанности идеального римского гражданина

Author: Bragova, Arina Mikhailovna
Title: Cicero’s view on the duties of an ideal Roman citizen – Взгляд Цицерона на обязанности идеального римского гражданина
Review/Collection: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers - The Historian and his works (series in memory of V.E. Mayer), Issue No. 2. Izhevsk, 2003
Year edition: 2003
Pages: 98-103
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Politique - Politica - Politics
Description: Text in russian [Russian bibliography]
Author initials: Bragova 2003a