Author: Narducci, Emanuele
Title: Congettura a Cicerone, De domo 11
Review/Collection: "Prometheus", 24, (1)
Year edition: 1998
Pages: 25-26
Keywords: Philologie - Filologia - Philology
Description: In this Ciceronian passage, the much disputed varietatem may be emended into vanitatem.
Author initials: Narducci 1998
Title: Congettura a Cicerone, De domo 11
Review/Collection: "Prometheus", 24, (1)
Year edition: 1998
Pages: 25-26
Keywords: Philologie - Filologia - Philology
Description: In this Ciceronian passage, the much disputed varietatem may be emended into vanitatem.
Author initials: Narducci 1998