Author: Manuwald, Gesine
Title: Cratander’s Edition of Cicero (1528) from Humanist Basel
Review/Collection: In : Scheidegger Laemmle, Cédric (ed.), Cicero in Basel, Locating Classical Reception in a Humanist City, De Gruyter, 2024, 374 p.
Place edition: Berlin, Boston
Editor: De Gruyter
Year edition: 2024
Pages: 83-98
Keywords: Éditions - Edizioni - Editions, Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philologie - Filologia - Philology
Description: Gesine Manuwald dedicates the chapter to the monumental folio edition of Cicero’s collected works in 3 tomi which Cratander printed in Basel in 1528. Notable for its formidable scale and ambition, it assembles all extant works by Cicero as well as works attributed to him (some, as the editor knows and explicitly states, wrongly) and various ancient texts by others that bear testimony to Cicero’s life and works, together with a rich apparatus of scholarly commentary, indexes and glosses. The edition betrays an almost totalizing ambition, to offer not just the opera omnia of Cicero but to embody the state ofdiscussion on Cicero and the Ciceronian tradition. As Manuwald demonstrates, Cratander’s ambition extended to the critical methodology applied in establishing the Ciceronian text and the principles according to which it is presented in print. Cratander’s Cicero thus not only exemplifies the high standards of Basel printing but also represents the then cutting-edge of textual criticsm [Scheidegger Laemmle 2024, 12].
Author initials: Manuwald 2024
Title: Cratander’s Edition of Cicero (1528) from Humanist Basel
Review/Collection: In : Scheidegger Laemmle, Cédric (ed.), Cicero in Basel, Locating Classical Reception in a Humanist City, De Gruyter, 2024, 374 p.
Place edition: Berlin, Boston
Editor: De Gruyter
Year edition: 2024
Pages: 83-98
Keywords: Éditions - Edizioni - Editions, Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philologie - Filologia - Philology
Description: Gesine Manuwald dedicates the chapter to the monumental folio edition of Cicero’s collected works in 3 tomi which Cratander printed in Basel in 1528. Notable for its formidable scale and ambition, it assembles all extant works by Cicero as well as works attributed to him (some, as the editor knows and explicitly states, wrongly) and various ancient texts by others that bear testimony to Cicero’s life and works, together with a rich apparatus of scholarly commentary, indexes and glosses. The edition betrays an almost totalizing ambition, to offer not just the opera omnia of Cicero but to embody the state ofdiscussion on Cicero and the Ciceronian tradition. As Manuwald demonstrates, Cratander’s ambition extended to the critical methodology applied in establishing the Ciceronian text and the principles according to which it is presented in print. Cratander’s Cicero thus not only exemplifies the high standards of Basel printing but also represents the then cutting-edge of textual criticsm [Scheidegger Laemmle 2024, 12].
Author initials: Manuwald 2024