Figuras retóricas en la Rhetorica ad Herennium y en el Nāṭyaśāstra: Figuras de dicción y tropos (II)

Auteur: Morales Harley, Roberto
Titre: Figuras retóricas en la Rhetorica ad Herennium y en el Nāṭyaśāstra: Figuras de dicción y tropos (II)
Revue/Collection: Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación, 24
Annèe edition: 2022
Pages: 1-15
Mots-clès: Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: This paper constitutes the follow-up of “Figures of Speech in the Rhetorica ad Herennium and the Nāṭyaśāstra: Figures of Thought”. It develops a comparison between the approaches of these treatises, the oldest in the Latin and Indian rhetorical traditions providing lists of figures of speech, regarding the figures of speech (uerborum exortationes śabdālaṃkārās). From the terminology in the original language, the definitions found in the respective treatises, andsome examples taken from literary texts, three figures are studied: zeugma, paronomasia a, and anaphora. Ascomplement, three tropes (tropi / vakroktayas) are incorporated: metaphor, periphrasis, and hyperbole. In conclusion, a classification of the figures of speech that can be applied to both rhetorical traditions is presented: for figures ofspeech, 1. Figures of repetition; for tropes, 1. Figures of comparison, 2. Figures of cause, and 3. Figures of exaggeration.
Sigle auteur: Morales Harley 2022