Going round in circles: popular speech in ancient Rome

Author: O’Neill, P.
Title: Going round in circles: popular speech in ancient Rome
Review/Collection: "Classical Antiquity", 22, (1)
Year edition: 2003
Pages: 135-165
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Histoire - Storia - History
Description: Analysis of the usage of the term circulus to refer to groups of Romans gathered together for various reasons reveals that such groupings were primarily non-elite in character. While circuli and the figure of the circulator were often associated with what was considered to be a debased popular culture, they can also be seen as belonging to a culture of popular sociability that was politically threatening to a governing class that desired to monopolize communication. Texts of the late Republic (e.g., Cicero, off. 1, 132 and Att. 2, 18, 2) and of the early to middle Principate (e.g., Livy 2, 27-28; 3, 17, 10 ; 7, 12, 14 ; 44, 22 ; Tacitus, Agr. 43, 1 and Ann. 3, 54, 1) are considered. (Année philologique)
Author initials: O’Neill 2003