Gorgias, Hippias et le De oratore de Cicéron

Author: Wisniewski, Bohdan
Title: Gorgias, Hippias et le De oratore de Cicéron
Review/Collection: "Prometheus", VI, 3
Year edition: 1980
Pages: 248-258
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Description: Abstract: In Cicero’s dialogue, Antonius appears to follow in Gorgias’ steps when he asserts that rhetorical skill is enough even without a detailed knowledge of a given topic, while Crassus, championing the opposite view, is probably under the influence of Hippias’ theories.
Link: http://bazhum.muzhp.pl/media/files/Collectanea_Philologica/Collectanea_Philologica-r1999-t3/Collectanea_Philologica-r1999-t3-s9-12/Collectanea_Philologica-r1999-t3-s9-12.pdf
Author initials: Wisniewski 1980