Grain Laws: An Alternative to Land Distribution? The Case of Caesar’s Policies (64-44 BC)

Author: Fezzi, Luca
Title: Grain Laws: An Alternative to Land Distribution? The Case of Caesar’s Policies (64-44 BC)
Review/Collection: in : A. Keaveney - L. Earnshaw-Brown (a c. di), The Italians on the Land. Changing Perspectives on Republican Italy. Then and Now, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge 2009
Year edition: 2009
Pages: 47-64
Keywords: Histoire - Storia - History
Description: Abstract - During his political career, Gaius Iulius Caesar had to cope with serious social and economic problems; among his goals, we have obviously to remember the distributions of ager publicus. The purpose of this article is to focus on some peculiar moments in the period 64-44 BC, to establish a relationship between grain and land laws; the strong impression is in fact that the two kinds of measures were strongly antithetical and competitive for costs and purposes.
Author initials: Farrell 2009