Historia magistra antiquitatis: Cicero and Jesuit history teaching

Auteur: Nelles, Paul
Titre: Historia magistra antiquitatis: Cicero and Jesuit history teaching
Revue/Collection: "Renaissance Studies", 13, 2
Annèe edition: 1999
Pages: 130-172
Mots-clès: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: [Abstract] The success of such an approach in the classroom of course depended, as does all teaching, upon both the general ethos of particular institutions and the ability and inclination of individual professors. Nonetheless Jouvancy’s designation of historical study as magistra antiquitatis penetrated to the core of the early Jesuit curriculum: Jesuit teaching not only breathed life and spirit into ancient texts, but gave shape and form to the classical past. More than this, study of ancient history provided a means of conceiving of the nature of human society and the place of human action within it; history continued to serve as magistra vitae in a very profound sense. A host of questions remain concerning the nature and purpose of historical instruction in the early modern classroom and the larger significance of Jesuit history teaching for the administrative and cultural initiatives of the order. Quid historica interpretatio?
Liens: https://www.academia.edu/4197722/Historia_magistra_antiquitatis_Cicero_and_Jesuit_history_teaching?email_work_card=title
Sigle auteur: Nelles 1999