Iconografía de Cicerón en manuscritos: Un testimonio de Recepción clásica

Auteur: Martín Puente, Cristina
Titre: Iconografía de Cicerón en manuscritos: Un testimonio de Recepción clásica
Revue/Collection: In : Berno, Francesca Romana & La Bua, Giuseppe [Edd.], Portraying Cicero in Literature, Culture, and Politics. From Ancient to Modern Times, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2022, 483 p. [Berno & La Bua 2022]
Lieu èdition: Berlin
Éditeur: De Gruyter
Annèe edition: 2022
Pages: 143-168
Mots-clès: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: Cristina Martín Puente analyzes portraits of Cicero in XVI Introduction manuscripts from the 13th to the 15th centuries. As Cicero’s image appears next to the personification of Rhetorica on more than one occasion, it follows that Cicero belonged to the medieval literary canon, especially as rhetorician and, to a lesser extent, as philosopher. This paper also considers a miniature in the French version of De casibus virorum illustrium by Boccaccio, portraying Cicero as a statesman before he was murdered and beheaded. [Berno & La Bua 2022, xvi]
Liens: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110748703-010/pdf
Sigle auteur: Martín Puente 2022