Iusta Catilinae

Auteur: Seager, Robin
Titre: Iusta Catilinae
Revue/Collection: "Historia", XXII
Annèe edition: 1973
Pages: 240-248
Mots-clès: Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics
Description: It is the purpose of this paper to challenge Cicero's claim that the activities of Catilina himself, the rising of Manlius in Etruria, and the doings of Lentulus and his confederates in the city were all part of a grand revolutionary design conceived by Catilina and to suggest a reason why Cicero might have felt inclined to present as elements in a single scheme what were in fact only loosely connected manifestations of unrest [Author]
Liens: https://moodle.swarthmore.edu/pluginfile.php/544867/mod_resource/content/1/Seager%2C%20Iusta%20Catilnae.pdf
Sigle auteur: Seager 1973