La legislazione tribunizia di Publio Clodio Pulcro (58 a.C.) e la ricerca del consenso a Roma

Auteur: Fezzi, Luca
Titre: La legislazione tribunizia di Publio Clodio Pulcro (58 a.C.) e la ricerca del consenso a Roma
Revue/Collection: Studi Classici e Orientali 47.1
Annèe edition: 1999
Pages: 245-341
Mots-clès: Histoire - Storia - History
Description: Abstract - The legislation of Publius Clodius Pulcher, plebeian tribune in 58 BC, is the richest and the most complex one in the history of Rome (except for the two tribunician years of Caius Sempronius Gracchus). The reconstruction of the laws and of their elements capables to attract popular support, outlines, for their promotor, a new ’political stance’: no more ’the ape of Caesar’ (Mommsen) but a politician completely able to move in an independent way.
Sigle auteur: Fezzi 1999