La prosopopea di Appio Claudio Cieco (Cic. Cael. 33-34): tradizione letteraria, memoria familiare e polemica politica

Author: Piras, Giorgio
Title: La prosopopea di Appio Claudio Cieco (Cic. Cael. 33-34): tradizione letteraria, memoria familiare e polemica politica
Review/Collection: in: De Paolis, P. (a cura di), Cicerone oratore. Atti dell’VIII simposio ciceroniano (Arpino, 6 maggio 2016)
Place edition: Cassino
Editor: Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale
Year edition: 2017
Pages: 63-100
Keywords: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Histoire - Storia - History, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Description: [Piras, Giorgio] [Abstract] The analysis of the prosopopoeia of Appius Claudius Caecus contained in Cicero’s ’Pro Caelio’ (33-34) allows to connect it with the famous speech of Appius Claudius against peace with Pyrrhus testified by Ennius and Cicero himself. The speech is also part of the long controversy of Cicero against the tribune Clodius and can be linked to other Cicero’s speeches and be related it to the literary and historical-political tradition of the Clodii.
Author initials: Piras 2017