Le molte facce del saggio. Tracce di Cicerone e Lucrezio in Sen. Epist. 41. 4-5?

Autore: Gatti, Fabio
Titolo: Le molte facce del saggio. Tracce di Cicerone e Lucrezio in Sen. Epist. 41. 4-5?
Rivista/Miscellanea: "Vichiana", 60, 1
Luogo edizione: Pisa - Roma
Editore: Fabrizio Serra Editore
Anno edizione: 2023
Pagine: 41-60
Parole chiave: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Descrizione: [Gatti, Fabio] [Abstract] This article aims to research the literary suggestions possibly present in Sen. Epist. 41.4-5, where the philosopher describes the features of the sapiens and his ability to reach a condition of divine happiness. Namely, the first chapter points out the similarities between the Senecan epistle and two passages of Cicero, De fin. 3.8.29 e Somn. Scip. 26, where two characters deeply esteemed by Seneca intervene: in the first passage, Cato of Utica focuses on the sage, his superior condition and his elevated contemplation of the world; in the second passage, Scipio Africanus theorizes the divine origin of human beings, whose real essence is not bodily but spiritual. The second chapter is devoted to demonstrate the interesting affinities of themes and images between the Senecan epistle and Lucr. 2.1-61, specifically the sage’s elevation and his overhead contemplation of the world, the absence of dangers and fears for him, and his laughter in front of human passions.
Link: https://www.libraweb.net/articoli3.php?chiave=202312801&rivista=128&articolo=202312801003
Sigla autore: Gatti 2023