L’expression et les manifestations de l’auctoritas dans les rivalités politiques à la fin de la République: le témoignage de Cicéron

Author: David, Jean-Michel
Title: L’expression et les manifestations de l’auctoritas dans les rivalités politiques à la fin de la République: le témoignage de Cicéron
Review/Collection: in : Jean-Michel David, Frédéric Hurlet (ed.), L’auctoritas à Rome. Une notion constitutive de la culture politique. Actes du colloque de Nanterre (10-12 septembre 2018)
Place edition: Bordeaux
Editor: Ausonius Éditions
Year edition: 2020
Pages: 189-200
Keywords: Biographie - Biografia - Biography, Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Politique - Politica - Politics
Description: The study, in Cicero’s speeches and correspondence, of the uses of auctoritas and of the acts or situations the term referred to uncovers several data.The term auctoritas designated a form of ascendancy exercised over others; it was due either to personal qualities or power positions. It was most often used with other lexemes, mapping out semantic clouds, as it were, whose association, when applied to an individual, referred precisely on the one hand to his personality or the actions he had carried out, and on the other hand, more generally, to a general model of aristocratic ethics – the same one that was put forward in the laudationes funebres. Moreover, the auctoritas could have any effect only provided it found a way to express itself in political action: mainly through speeches, and providing it be recognized as such by the Roman people. It was then the whole personality, character and conformity to mos by the person who performed it that were subjected to judgment by the general public. [Author]
Link: https://books.openedition.org/ausonius/17008?lang=it&mobile=1
Author initials: David 2020