Noterelle filosofiche e linguistiche sulla resa di katalepsis negli Academici libri di Cicerone

Auteur: Malaspina, Ermanno
Titre: Noterelle filosofiche e linguistiche sulla resa di katalepsis negli Academici libri di Cicerone
Revue/Collection: Borgna, A., Lana, M. (a cura di), Epistulae a familiaribus Per Raffaella Tabacco
Lieu èdition: Alessandria
Éditeur: Dell'Orso
Annèe edition: 2022
Pages: 309-323
Mots-clès: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Sources - Fonti - Sources, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Description: It is known that in the Academics Cicero establishes the vocabulary of Western gnoseology and in Luc. 17 he designates cognitio, perceptio and comprehension as translations of katalepsis. However, it has never been tested whether the use of the three Latin terms implies the meaning of the Stoic term in every occurrence and in both the first (Lucullus) and the second version (Academici libri) or not. After examining the explicit mentions of katalepsis (§ 1), I review the occurrences without reference to the Greek, in the Academici (§ 2) and in the Lucullus (§ 3), leaving for last the two most complicated loci (Luc. 23 and 129: § 4). The finding is that Cicero adheres with considerable rigor to what is planned in Luc. 17: cognitio, perceptio and comprehensio alternate as translations, without any difference between them and without ever taking on meanings other than that of katalepsis. Cicero thus combines terminological scruple with his artistic sensibility. Malaspina_140_FS_Tabacco
Sigle auteur: Malaspina 2022a