Mark Antony’s assault of Publius Clodius: Another look

Author: Alexander, Dean
Title: Mark Antony’s assault of Publius Clodius: Another look
Review/Collection: Ciceroniana On Line, VIII, 1
Year edition: 2024
Pages: 155-175
Keywords: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Histoire - Storia - History
Description: I intend to re-examine a suggestion that Cicero presents initially in his Pro Milone (52), one which is still taken at face value:  namely  that  Mark  Antony  tried  to  kill  Publius  Clodius  Pulcher  in  535. This paper seeks to argue that, based on the surviving evidence, Cicero is skilfully misrepresenting a minor encounter between Antony and Clodius to further his rhetorical purposes. [Author]
Author initials: Alexander 2024