More on anamnesis in the «Meno»

Author: Sharples, Bob
Title: More on anamnesis in the «Meno»
Review/Collection: "Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy", 44, 4
Place edition: Leiden
Editor: Brill
Year edition: 1999
Pages: 353-357
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Sources - Fonti - Sources
Description: [Sharples, Bob] [Abstract] John Glucker, "A Platonic Cento in Cicero", "Phronesis" 44 (1999) 30-44, argues that the account of the mind's experiences at Cicero, "De divinatione" 1.115 derives from an unknown Platonist's combination of Plato, "Meno" 81c5-d1 and "Republic" 10 614d3-615a5. G.'s connection of what is said by Cicero with these two passages of Plato is persuasive; but in concentrating on the surface references to souls' memory of their experiences in previous lives the Ciceronian account fails to do justice to the underlying significance of both passages. It is also questionable whether an unknown Platonist needs to be invoked as a source; the interpretation of the two Platonic passages could be Cicero's own.
Author initials: Sharples 1999