Octavian’s arrival in Rome, 44 B.C.

Author: Toher, Mark
Title: Octavian’s arrival in Rome, 44 B.C.
Review/Collection: "The Classical Quarterly", NS 54, 1
Place edition: Cambridge
Editor: Cambridge University Press
Year edition: 2004
Pages: 174-184
Keywords: Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics, Prosopographie - Prosopografia - Prosopography
Description: [APh] [Comment] The historiographical tradition preserved in Nicolaus of Damascus, FGrHist. 90 F 130 ; Velleius 2, 59 ; Appian 3, 28 ; Dio 45, 5 ; and elsewhere knows nothing of Octavian's residence in Puteoli during April and May, 44 B.C. Only Cicero's correspondence preserves this information (Att. 14, 5, 3 ; 14, 6, 1 ; 14, 10, 3). The reason for its absence in the historians is not difficult to discern : Any historian of the earliest days of Octavian's career must have depended on his « res gestae ». The retreat to Campania fitted awkwardly with the autobiography's portrait of a courageous but inexperienced heir. The evidence suggests an impetuous youth who trusted to rash decision and so encountered embarrassment.
Link: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3556291
Author initials: Toher 2004