On Augustine’s “first conversion”. Factus erectior (De beata vita 4)

Author: Newhauser, Richard
Title: On Augustine’s “first conversion”. Factus erectior (De beata vita 4)
Review/Collection: "Augustinian Studies", XVII
Year edition: 1986
Pages: 15-29
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Description: Augustine associated images of «rising up» with his reading of the Hortensius and the impact it made on his thinking, Confessions III, 7-8. His recall of that encounter on the threshold of the conversion at Milan indicates that what he meant by factus erectior, having come to aspire toward loftier, nobler perceptions and ideals, is to be understood in the entire sweep of the Confessions. [APh]
Link: https://philpapers.org/rec/OCOOAF
Author initials: Neuwhauser 1986