Politisches Handeln analysieren: Ciceros Pro Marcello

Auteur: Beyer, Andrea
Titre: Politisches Handeln analysieren: Ciceros Pro Marcello
Revue/Collection: Latein und Griechisch in Nordrhein-Westfalen, 2023, Bd. 4 Nr. 1
Annèe edition: 2023
Pages: 6-13
Mots-clès: Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: The following article is divided into two sections:  In the first section, democracy education is explained as part of the educational mission of schools and placed in relation to Latin lessons (LU). In the second section, the lesson project "Communicating convincingly - What strategies for exerting influence does Cicero use in his speech Pro Marcello?" is used as a learning task to show how democracy education can be integrated into the LU. [Author]
Sigle auteur: Beyer 2023