Raffaele Regio’s 1492 Quaestio doubting Cicero’s authorship of the Rhetorica ad Herennium: Introduction and Text

Author: Murphy, James J. & Winterbottom, Michael
Title: Raffaele Regio’s 1492 Quaestio doubting Cicero’s authorship of the Rhetorica ad Herennium: Introduction and Text
Review/Collection: Rhetorica Vol. 17, No. 1
Year edition: 1999
Pages: 77–87
Keywords: Authenticité - Autenticità - Authenticity, Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: Oxford [Abstract] Fifteenth-century rhetoricians inherited from the Middle Ages the belief that Cicero was the author of the work generally known as the Rhetorica ad Herennium. This assumption was challenged in 1491 in a short Quaestio by Raffaele Regio (1440?-1520). He refutes the three main arguments advanced for Cicero's authorship, but in the end declares that he will leave the matter undecided. Regio's claims did not settle the matter, which was still being debated two centuries later. James J. Murphy :Department of Communication, University of California, Davis, California 95616-8695, USA. Michael Winterbottom ‌ Corpus Christi College,
Author initials: Murphy & Winterbottom 1999