Recentior non deterior: Escorial R.I.2. e una nuova recensio del Lucullus di Cicerone

Author: Malaspina, Ermanno
Title: Recentior non deterior: Escorial R.I.2. e una nuova recensio del Lucullus di Cicerone
Review/Collection: "Paideia" 73
Place edition: Cesena
Editor: Stilgraf
Year edition: 2018
Pages: 1969-1985
Keywords: Philologie - Filologia - Philology, Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy

DOI 10.1400/263694

Description: [Abstract] Till now the stemma codicum of Cicero’s Lucullus has been built on three Carolingian manuscripts of the group usually called Corpus Leidense, i.e. Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Voss. Lat. F 84 (A), F 86 (B), and Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 189 (V). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that a fourth manuscript, a neglected recentior, El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, R.I.2 (S, XIV1-2 cent.), also deserves the attention of editors. After a brief review of the status quaestionis (§ 1), the paper presents S, retraces its history from Paris to the Papal library at Avignon and finally to Peñíscola and El Escorial and shows its most significant readings. Eventually, a new stemmatic reconstruction is proposed, by which S is placed in the y branch, as a gemellus of V (§ 3): the contributions to the constitutio textus of this new witness are particularly important for the final part of the Lucullus, where V is missing (§ 4).
Author initials: Malaspina_2018_116