’Restitutio rei publicae’ tra teoria e prassi politica. Augusto e l’eredità di Cicerone

Author: Licandro, Orazio
Title: ’Restitutio rei publicae’ tra teoria e prassi politica. Augusto e l’eredità di Cicerone
Review/Collection: "Annali del Dipartimento di Storia del Diritto. Università di Palermo", 63
Year edition: 2015
Pages: 57-130
Keywords: Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics
Description: [Licandro, Orazio] [Abstratct] The essay deals with the Augustan restitutio rei publicae. By reviewing so consolidated as unfounded opinions on the coup of Augusto, its hypocrisy engraved in Res Gestae and the irreversible breakage of the republican legality, it proves the direct origin of the Augustan novus ordo from the theories and the thought of Cicero.
Link: https://www.academia.edu/29766078/_RESTITUTIO_REI_PUBLICAE_TRA_TEORIA_E_PRASSI_POLITICA_AUGUSTO_E_L_EREDIT%C3%80_DI_CICERONE_AUPA_58_2015_pdf?email_work_card=view-paper
Author initials: Licandro 2015