Roman Crossings: Theory and practice in the Roman Republic

Author: Welch, Kathryn & Hillard, T.W. (Ed.)
Title: Roman Crossings: Theory and practice in the Roman Republic
Place edition: Swansea
Editor: Classical Press of Wales
Year edition: 2005
Pages: 344
Keywords: Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre

Evans, R., The Classical Review, 2008, 58(1), 208-210.

Description: Eleven new essays trace the development of political culture in the Roman Republic. Themes include the flourishing of civic society, as with the introduction of the Roman Games, and the emergence of a theory of politeness. How was a Roman aristocrat formed? How did the term 'Optimates' develop from the middle Republic onwards? And how, especially, did the rhetoric of Cicero reflect and adapt to the pressures of civil war in the Republic's climactic and dying years? TOC : Theory and practice in the Roman Republic: an introduction,  T.W. Hillard - Origines ludorum, T.P. Wiseman - Optimates: an archaeology, A.M. Stone - The law that Catulus passed,  Benjamin Kelly - Priests and politicians - reflections on Livy and Cicero's de Domo Sua,  David F.C. Thomas - Cicero's vir clarissimus, Simon Whitehead - What Caesar said: rhetoric and history in Sallust's Coniuratio Catilinae 51, R.F. Tannenbaum - Cato's opposition to Caesar in 59 BC, Jane Bellemore - Cicero Fam. 16.21, Roman politeness, and the socialization of Marcus Cicero the Younger,  Jon Hall - Style and ideology in the pro Marcello, B.A. Krostenko - Lux and Lumen in Cicero's Rome: a metaphor for the Res Publica and her leaders?, Kathryn Welch.
Author initials: Welch & Hillard 2005