Silius Ciceronianus: Regulus as a Reflection of Cicero in Punica 6 55

Author: Baier, Thomas
Title: Silius Ciceronianus: Regulus as a Reflection of Cicero in Punica 6 55
Review/Collection: in: Augoustakis, Antony & Fucecchi, Marco (a cura di), Silius Italicus and the Tradition of the Roman Historical Epos (Mnemosyne, Supplements, Volume 458)
Place edition: Leiden
Editor: Brill
Year edition: 2022
Pages: 55-76
Keywords: Commentaires - Commenti - Commentaries, Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Histoire - Storia - History
Description: [Augoustakis, Antony & Fucecchi, Marco] [Abstract] The aim of this volume is to study Silius’ poem as an important step in the development of the Roman historical epic tradition. The Punica is analyzed as transitional segment between the beginnings of Roman literature in the Republican age (Naevius and Ennius) and Claudian’s panegyrical epic in late antiquity, shedding light on its ‘inclusiveness’ and its peculiar, internal dialectic between antiquarian taste and problematic actualization. This is an innovative attempt to connect epic poems and authors belonging to different ages, to frame the development of the literary genre, according to its specific aims and interests throughout the centuries.
Author initials: Baier 2022