Skeptic-cum-Augur: Was Cicero a Skeptical Fideist?

Author: Ribeiro, Brian
Title: Skeptic-cum-Augur: Was Cicero a Skeptical Fideist?
Review/Collection: "Ancient Philosophy", 43, 2
Editor: Mathesis Publications
Year edition: 2023
Pages: 503-515
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy
Description: [Ribeiro, Brian] [Abstract] In section 1 I present a case for understanding Cicero as a radical Academic skeptic, based on evidence from the Academica. In section 2 I offer an explanation of the concept of skeptical fideism and present a way to taxonomize various versions of the view. The material in sections 1 and 2 positions us to ask, was Cicero, the Academic augur, a sincere orthopraxic skeptical fideist? In section 3 I attempt to answer that question, beginning with an examination of De divinatione. Reading that work in a skeptical light, as I do, we are led to an impasse on our central question. However, in section 4 I consider two lines of argument that might enable us to determine Cicero’s own views.
Author initials: Ribeiro 2023