Struktur und Quellen des Prooemiums zum I. Buch Ciceros De officiis

Author: Frings, Irene
Title: Struktur und Quellen des Prooemiums zum I. Buch Ciceros De officiis
Review/Collection: Prometheus, Vol. 19 No. 1-2, XIX, Fascicolo 2-3
Year edition: 1993
Pages: 169-182
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Sources - Fonti - Sources
Description: Copious evidence suggests that in the proem of De officiis (1.1-6) Cicero is presenting his own ideas, and that only at 1.7 he begins using Panaetius, mentioned there for the first time, as his main source. [Author].
Author initials: Frings 1993