Style and ideology in the pro Marcello

Auteur: Krostenko, Brian
Titre: Style and ideology in the pro Marcello
Revue/Collection: In : Welch, Kathryn & Hillard, T.W. (Ed.), Roman Crossings: Theory and practice in the Roman Republic, Classical Press of Wales, 2005, 344 p.
Annèe edition: 2005
Pages: 279-312
Mots-clès: Politique - Politica - Politics, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: Furthering the theme of situational analysis, Brian Krostenko reveals just how much can be read into gifted utterance or would have been heard by the tutored ear. As Rome’s political class faced challenge, invention and adaptability (it was now survival strategy) continued to thrive. Krostenko offers an example of Roman political practice as a work in constant progress: Cicero, a master of rhetoric, searching in a time of crisis (in this instance, occasioned by Caesar’s invasion of the patria) for the appropriate mode of discourse to suit the circumstances. The quest was almost technical, so self-conscious had the craft of politics become in the Late Roman Republic. Yet there was judgment at work here. Politics was not a science. In the age of the modern western democracies when intrusive polling, party machines and political minders have all but turned politicians into the puppets of mechanical monitors, it is easy to forget the degree to which responsive political behaviour in Rome was based upon qualitative judgments. [Welch & Hillard 2005, 12]
Sigle auteur: Krostenko 2005