Systematic and Historical Reconstruction of the Transition from Tawheed to Various Forms of Shirk in the Writing of the History of Religions: The Case of Cicero’s ‘Nature of the Gods’

Author: Karabulut, Abdurrahim
Title: Systematic and Historical Reconstruction of the Transition from Tawheed to Various Forms of Shirk in the Writing of the History of Religions: The Case of Cicero’s ‘Nature of the Gods’
Review/Collection: In : Dinler Tarihi Lisansüstü Sempozyumu, Ankara, 2023, 782 p.
Place edition: Ankara
Editor: Bildiri Kitabi
Year edition: 2023
Pages: 3-17
Keywords: Philosophie - Filosofia - Philosophy, Religion - Religione - Religion
Description: The relationship between two Islamic theological concepts and the thought of Cicero, drawn in particular from De natura deorum. Title in Turkish:  Dinler Tarihi Yazarlığı’nda Tevhidden Şirkin Muhtelif Formlarına Geçişin Sistematik ve Tarihi Cihetten Rekonstrüksiyonu: Cicero’nun ‘Tanrıların Doğası’ Örneği [PhR] Text in Turkish
Author initials: Karabulut 2023