« The Ciceronian Scholia and Asconius as Sources on Cicero and Other Roman Republican Orators »

Auteur: Manuwald, Gesine
Titre: « The Ciceronian Scholia and Asconius as Sources on Cicero and Other Roman Republican Orators »
Revue/Collection: In : Pieper, Christoph & Pausch, Dennis, The Scholia on Cicero’s Speeches. Contexts and Perspectives, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2023, 287 p. [Pieper & Pausch 2023]
Lieu èdition: Leiden Boston
Éditeur: Brill
Annèe edition: 2023
Pages: 176-189
Mots-clès: Commentaires - Commenti - Commentaries, Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: Gesine Manuwald reviews the role of the Ciceronian scholia and Asconius in our knowledge of non-Ciceronian speeches in the Republic. It therefore lists all fragments of Roman Republican orators transmitted in the speeches and analyzes selected items from these. The aim of the article is to show that the commentators and scholiasts were not only academically interested in the oratorical material of Cicero’s role models and contemporaries, but they also expected their readers to acknowledge that Cicero’s speeches were full of intertextual references to previous speeches, and that it was the task of the commentaries to elucidate these. Thus, although the most telling pieces of information in the scholia are (due to their perspective) centred on Cicero and relate to Cicero in comparison to other orators, they contribute to going beyond looking at Cicero in isolation and lead to a more nuanced portrait of Cicero’s working practices and his context. [Pieper & Pausch 2023, 18]
Liens: https://brill.com/downloadpdf/book/9789004516441/BP000008.pdf
Sigle auteur: Manuwald 2023