The dilemma of Cicero’s speech for Ligarius

Author: Johnson, Jeffrey P.
Title: The dilemma of Cicero’s speech for Ligarius
Review/Collection: in: Cicero the advocate / ed. by Jonathan G. F. Powell and Jeremy Paterson, X, 448
Place edition: Oxford & New York
Editor: Oxford University Pr.
Year edition: 2004
Pages: 371-399
Keywords: Droit - Diritto - Law, Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics

Corbeill, “American Journal of Philology”, 2006, 127, (1), 144-149 – May, “Classical Review”, 2006, NS, 56, (1), 98-100

Description: This chapter assesses the strategy used by Cicero in his forensic speech for Quintus Ligarius. Because of the difficulties of this speech, that strategy is not readily apparent. Through a close reading of the text, however, it is evident that Cicero's goal was to refuse admitting his client's guilt but also to dress his speech in the language of a plea for mercy, thus catching Julius Caesar on both horns of a good dilemma. Pro Ligario is a fascinating speech, admired since Quintilian, who quotes from it copiously, and in modern times the subject of a great deal of speculation. In Pro Ligario, Cicero gives a double defence that is at once a way for his client to save face, a dilemma aimed at forcing Caesar into an acquittal, and a brilliant and independent piece of rhetoric. [Author]  [Powell & Paterson 2004]
Author initials: Johnson 2004