The Mask of Cicero: Jonathan Swift, Classical Rhetoric and A Modest Proposal

Author: Hedrick, Elizabeth
Title: The Mask of Cicero: Jonathan Swift, Classical Rhetoric and A Modest Proposal
Review/Collection: "Journal for eighteenth-century studies", 44, 2,
Editor: BSECS
Year edition: 2021
Pages: 177-188
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: [Hedrick, Elizabeth] [Abstract] Swift’s attachment to ancient learning has long been regarded as a settled matter. The Modest Proposal has been seen as reflecting this attachment through its use of a Ciceronian rhetorical model to enable the work’s irony. Reading the Proposal in the broader context of Swift’s prose non-fiction works, however, suggests that Swift’s experience as an Irish political writer caused him to question the connection between classical rhetorical models and political power. Against this background, the hyper-regular structure of the Proposal is as much the object of Swift’s satire as an enabler of it.
Author initials: Hedrick 2021