The Necessary Lesson

Author: Wiseman, Timothy Peter
Title: The Necessary Lesson
Review/Collection: "Times Literary Supplement", no. June 15?21
Year edition: 1990
Pages: 646-647
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: = Wiseman, T.P., Historiography and Imagination: Eight Essays on Roman Culture. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1994. Pp. xiv + 167, pp. 86-89. A review of C. Habicht, Cicero the Politician (Baltimore 1990) and P. MacKendrick, The Philosophical Books of Cicero (London 1989) [Ph�R] Une r�flexion sur la place de Cic�ron dans la culture occidentale.
Author initials: Wiseman 1990