The Ontophanies of Diana in Segesta (Cicero, Verrines 2.4.72-82)

Auteur: Horvat Patricia & Lima, Alexandre Carneiro C.
Titre: The Ontophanies of Diana in Segesta (Cicero, Verrines 2.4.72-82)
Revue/Collection: in : Claudia Beltrão da Rosa, Federico Santangelo, Cicero and Roman religion: eight studies. Potsdamer Alterumswissenschaftliche Beitrage, Band 72. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020, 154 p.
Éditeur: Franz Steiner Verlag
Annèe edition: 2020
Pages: 45-58
Mots-clès: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Religion - Religione - Religion
Description: Patricia Horvat and Alexandre offer a psychoanalytical reading of how Cicero uses an intricate series of identifications to elicit sympathy from his audience. He persuades his readers to identify with the Segestans, who mourned the loss of their goddess when her statue was carried off by Verres. The Segestans identify with Artemis: her fate is their fate. The same is true for the Romans and Diana, whose own identification with Segestan Artemis is, in turn, facilitated by Cicero’s careful omission of any detailed a description of the Segestan statue’s appearance [Celia Schultz, BMCR 2020.11.04].
Sigle auteur: Horvat & Lima 2020