The Rhetoric of Cicero in its Medieval and Early Renaissance Commentary Tradition

Auteur: Cox, Virginia & Ward, John [Ed.]
Titre: The Rhetoric of Cicero in its Medieval and Early Renaissance Commentary Tradition
Revue/Collection: Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, Volume: 2
Lieu èdition: Leiden
Éditeur: Brill
Annèe edition: 2006
Pages: 546
Mots-clès: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: [Abstract] This multi-authored volume, by an authoritative team of international scholars, examines the transmission of Ciceronian rhetoric in medieval and early Renaissance Europe, concentrating on the fortunes, in particular, of the two dominant classical rhetorical textbooks of the time, Cicero’s early De inventione, and the contemporary ‘pseudo-Ciceronian’ Rhetorica ad Herennium. The volume is unprecedented in range and depth as a presentation of the place of classical rhetoric in medieval culture, and will serve to revise views of a period seen until recently as largely indifferent to the values of ‘eloquence’. The main body of the volume is composed of a series of ground-breaking studies of the relationship between Ciceronian rhetoric and a wide range of intellectual traditions and cultural practices, including dialectic, law, conduct theory, memory, poetics and practical composition teaching, preaching, ars dictaminis, and political oratory. Also included are important contextualizing essays on the commentary tradition of the Ciceronian juvenilia, on the textual history and manuscript transmission of Cicero’s rhetorical works, and on the Latin and vernacular traditions of Ciceronian rhetoric in Italy. The volume concludes with an annotated appendix of illustrative texts containing extracts from the commentary tradition on Ciceronian rhetoric, most of which have not been previously available in print. Appendix: Catena Glosses on the De inventione of Cicero and the Pseudo-Ciceronian Rhetorica ad Herennium from the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries- Appendix 1. Ancient and Medieval Rhetorical Texts Discussed- Appendix 2. ‘Rhetorical Colors’ Treated in the Works Discussed Appendix 3. Treatments of a Sample Figure (repetitio) Compared - Appendix 4. Ancient Rhetorics Cited or Quoted in Tria sunt Ch. 12 (Worcester Cathedral, Chapter Library MS Q.79, fols 143v–50r) - Appendix: Examples of zibaldoni Containing Sample Orations and Other Rhetorically Related Material - Appendix: The Commentaries in Action, Virginia Cox and John O. Ward - Appendix 1. The Preface to Victorinus’ De invention Commentary - Appendix 2. The Preface to the Ad Herennium Gloss by Alanus (of Lille?) from MS London B.L. Harley 6324 - Appendix 3. The Preface to the Ad Herennium Commentary by Guarino da Verona - Appendix 4. The Doctrine of insinuatio, or ‘the indirect opening’ - Appendix 5. The tertium genus narrationis- Appendix 6. Attitudes towards Antiquity: The Gloss on the Lucius Saturninus Episode (Ad Herennium 1.12.21, the legal status of definition) - Appendix 7. Attitudes towards Antiquity: the color demonstratio (elocutio)
Sigle auteur: Cox & Ward 2006