The rhetoric of politics in Cicero’s Fourth Catilinarian

Author: Cape, Robert W.
Title: The rhetoric of politics in Cicero’s Fourth Catilinarian
Review/Collection: "American Journal of Philology", 116, 2
Place edition: Baltimora
Editor: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Year edition: 1995
Pages: 255-277
Keywords: Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: [L'Année philologique] [Comment] The published text of the Fourth Catilinarian presents Cicero's intervention in the debate as a complicated and subtle move, designed to be ambiguous yet appreciated for its artistry. It poses as a neutral representation and clarification of part of the debate but also functions as an oblique political maneuver.
Author initials: Cape 1995