The sale of the property of Roscius of Ameria. How illegal was it?

Author: Kinsey, T. E.
Title: The sale of the property of Roscius of Ameria. How illegal was it?
Review/Collection: "L’antiquité classique", LVII
Year edition: 1988
Pages: 296-297
Keywords: Droit - Diritto - Law, Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Politique - Politica - Politics
Description: Cicero maintains that the sale of the property of Roscius was wrong and gives two reasons for thinking so. (a) His father's name had been wrongly put on the list of those apud adversarios occisi l (RA. 127) when he had in fact been killed in Rome returning from dinner, (b) There was a law which set a time-limit not only to the proscriptiones but also to the sale (venditiones) of the property of the proscribed, namely 1st June 81 (RA. 128), and the father's murder and the sale of his property had taken place some months after that date. On (a) Cicero is probably right. What about (b) ? There are two points to be considered, (i) Did the law forbid venditiones as well as proscriptiones after 1st June 8 1 ? (ii) Did the law cover the apud adversarios occisi ?
Author initials: Kinsey 1988