Un addendum all’edizione: B.G. Niebuhr, Briefe. Neue folge (1816-1830). I. Briefe aus Rom (1816-1823). Tre lettere inedite di B.G. Niebuhr ad Angelo Mai

Author: Lo Conte, Francesco
Title: Un addendum all’edizione: B.G. Niebuhr, Briefe. Neue folge (1816-1830). I. Briefe aus Rom (1816-1823). Tre lettere inedite di B.G. Niebuhr ad Angelo Mai
Review/Collection: "Linguistica e Filologia", 35
Year edition: 2015
Pages: 7-28
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Philologie - Filologia - Philology
Description: [Comment] These letters show the close relationship between the two personages and especially Niebuhr's effort in spreading beyond the Alps the editiones principes published by Mai, such as Cicero's De re publica and the Fragmenta Vaticana iuris anteiustinianei.
Author initials: Lo Conte 2015