Title: De lege agraria / Contra Rullum I-III
Work type: Cicero - I - Works
Work type: Cicero - I - Works
Tre discorsi politici: Att. II, 1, 3; Pis. 4; PLIN. N. H. VII, 117; PLUT. Cic. 12, 5-6.
Del quarto resta una sola testimonianza.
- Afzelius, A. Das Ackerverteilungsgesetz des P.Servilius Rullus
- André, Jean-Marie La vigne et la forêt. Sur un proverbe latin (Cicéron, De leg. agr. 2,48)
- Bell, Andrew John Edward Cicero and the spectacle of power
- Blänsdorf, Jürgen Cicero erklärt dem Volk die Agrarpolitik (" De leg. agr. " II)
- Cerami, Pietro " Honeste et libere defendere " : i canoni della deontologia forense secondo Marco Tullio Cicerone
- Collet, Alain Une édition inconnue de Cicéron au XVI? s.
- Cooley, M. G. L. Cicero's Consulship Campaign, A Selection of Sources Relating to Cicero's Election as Consul for 63BC, Including ‘A Short Guide to Electioneering’
- Hopwood, Keith Smear and spin: Ciceronian tactics in De lege agraria II
- Kenty, Joanna Altera Roma: Livy’s Variations on a Ciceronian Theme
- Krostenko, Brian Pandering for the Greater Good ? Senate, People, and Politics in Cicero’s de lege agraria 1 and 2
- Marek, Václav " Ager Recentoricus " in Sicilia
- Marek, Václav [Ed.] *Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Scripta quae manserunt omnia, Fasc. 16 : Orationes de lege agraria. Oratio pro C. Rabirio Postumo perduellionis reo
- Martin, D. P. The Statilius subscriptions and the editions of late antiquity
- Minieri, Luciano La colonizzazione di Capua tra l'84 e il 59 a.C.
- Rawson, Beryl De lege agraria 2.49
- Robinson, Arthur Wirt Cicero’s use of the Gracchi in two speeches before the people
- Röhle, Robert "Oratio eximia": Poggios Randvermerk auf fol. 56v von Vat. Lat. 11458
- Ryan, F. X. Consularia II: The Conditional Renunciation of a Province by Cicero in 63 (Leg. agr. 1.26)
- Seager, Robin Cicero and the word popularis
- Sklenár, Robert John Rullus’ colonies: Cicero, De lege agraria I. 16-17 and 2. 73-75
- Sternberg, Thomas Zur sozialen Struktur der plebs urbana gegen Ende der römischen Republik
- Thompson, Christine E. To the Senate and the people. Adaptation to the senatorial and popular audiences in the parallel speeches of Cicero
- Vasaly, Ann Ars dispositionis. Cicero’s second agrarian speech
- Walter, Uwe Rollentausch und Übersetzung ins Absurde : zur rhetorischen Strategie in der Rede des Ap. Claudius Crassus (Liv. 6, 40, 3-41)