Autore: Cabré, Lluís & Coroleu, Alejandro
Titolo: A survey of translations of Cicero in Italy, France and the Iberian Peninsula (ca. 1330-ca. 1500)
Rivista/Miscellanea: Cesura, 3-1 - Centro Europeo di Studi su Umanesimo e Rinascimento Aragonese 69-80
Anno edizione: 2024
Pagine: 69-80
Parole chiave: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Traduction - Traduzione - Translation
Descrizione: This article examines vernacular renderings of Cicero’s shorter moral works between ca. 1330 and ca. 1500 from the vantage point of manuscript production and circulation. Excluding the Somnium Scipionis, no fewer than twenty-one translations of the De amicitia, the De senectute, the De officiis and the Paradoxa stoicorum were produced in Italy, France and the Iberian Peninsula, of which eleven are of the De officiis and the Paradoxa stoicorum. This survey of Cicero’s moral treatises and dialogues available in translation confirms the central position occupied by these texts in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Europe. [Authors].
Sigla autore: Cabré & Coroleu 2024
Titolo: A survey of translations of Cicero in Italy, France and the Iberian Peninsula (ca. 1330-ca. 1500)
Rivista/Miscellanea: Cesura, 3-1 - Centro Europeo di Studi su Umanesimo e Rinascimento Aragonese 69-80
Anno edizione: 2024
Pagine: 69-80
Parole chiave: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Traduction - Traduzione - Translation
Descrizione: This article examines vernacular renderings of Cicero’s shorter moral works between ca. 1330 and ca. 1500 from the vantage point of manuscript production and circulation. Excluding the Somnium Scipionis, no fewer than twenty-one translations of the De amicitia, the De senectute, the De officiis and the Paradoxa stoicorum were produced in Italy, France and the Iberian Peninsula, of which eleven are of the De officiis and the Paradoxa stoicorum. This survey of Cicero’s moral treatises and dialogues available in translation confirms the central position occupied by these texts in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Europe. [Authors].
Sigla autore: Cabré & Coroleu 2024