Living at the level of the word Cicero’s rejection of the interpreter as translator

Auteur: McElduff, Siobhán
Titre: Living at the level of the word Cicero’s rejection of the interpreter as translator
Revue/Collection: Translation Studies, 2-2
Annèe edition: 2009
Pages: 133-146
Mots-clès: Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre, Traduction - Traduzione - Translation
Description: Abstract - This article argues that Cicero’s rejection of the interpreter as a literal translator was not just a rejection of a particular style of translation but an attempt to keep translation of Greek literature in Rome an elite activity. I discuss the social status and role of Roman interpreters and their repeated association with limited education in our sources, finally concluding that the interpreter is despised as a translator by Cicero not necessarily because he translates literally, but because he is a potential rival translator from a lower social rank who may allow the spread of inappropriate translations of Greek material to Rome.
Sigle auteur: McElduff 2009