Medieval Latin meditations on old age: rhetoric, autobiography and experience

Author: Ruys, Juanita Feros
Title: Medieval Latin meditations on old age: rhetoric, autobiography and experience
Review/Collection: in : Classen, Albrecht, Old Age in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Neglected Topic (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 2) vii, 575. Berlin; de Gruyter.
Year edition: 2007
Pages: 171-200
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy
Description: [Abstract] Une analyse des méditations (à la première personne) sur la vieillesse : Erasmus, "Carmen de senectute" - Maximianus - Petrarca, "Secretum" - Abélard, "Carmen ad Astrolabium" - Marbod, évêque de Rennes - Boèce.
Author initials: Ruys 2007