Privilegia ne inroganto. Percorsi tra Cicerone e Ulpiano

Auteur: Fanizza, Lucia
Titre: Privilegia ne inroganto. Percorsi tra Cicerone e Ulpiano
Revue/Collection: "Iuris antiqui historia" 7, 2015
Annèe edition: 2015
Pages: 61-77
Mots-clès: Droit - Diritto - Law, Stylistique et genres littéraires - Stilistica e generi letterari - Stylistics and literary genre
Description: [abstract] Through the study of new texts, this paper seeks to show the univocal meaning of privilegium during the Republic as well as during the Principate; the reliability of the conjecture considers the coupling irrogare privilegium a Ciceronian invention. Aulus Gellius’ problematical interpretation may be understood in the rhetorical-grammarian line rather than in the close juridical meaning. In a very small, but very important fragment, Ulpian shows the secular, never surpassed difficulty between general legislation and dispositions in favour of an individual.
Sigle auteur: Fanizza