Reperforming Cicero’s Voice: Constructions and Negotiations of his vox publica

Author: Jansen, Leanne & Pieper, Christoph & van der Velden, Bram
Title: Reperforming Cicero’s Voice: Constructions and Negotiations of his vox publica
Review/Collection: In : Berno, Francesca Romana & La Bua, Giuseppe [Edd.], Portraying Cicero in Literature, Culture, and Politics. From Ancient to Modern Times, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2022, 483 p. [Berno & La Bua 2022]
Place edition: Berlin
Editor: De Gruyter
Year edition: 2022
Pages: 313-340
Keywords: Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics
Description: Cicero’s public persona as orator is revisited in connection with his self-portrait as a textualized ‘voice’. After examining how the orator staged and reinvented his voice in his speeches, this paper turns its attention to the restaging and rewriting of Cicero’s voice in later authors, also offering a comparative Renaissance example of re-vocalizing Cicero. [Berno & La Bua 2022, xix]
Author initials: Jansen, Pieper & van der Velden 2022