Roman private law in the times of Cicero and of the Antonines, 2 books

Auteur: Roby, Henry John
Titre: Roman private law in the times of Cicero and of the Antonines, 2 books
Lieu èdition: Cambridge
Éditeur: Cambridge University Press
Annèe edition: 1902
Pages: 555
Mots-clès: Droit - Diritto - Law
Description: (ROBY, 1830-1915) - Book 1. Citizenship and status -- Book 2. Family -- Book 3. Inheritance: Essay on cretio -- Book 4. Property: Essay on recipere -- Book 5. Obligations: Essays on litterarum obligatio: Nexum -- Book 6. Procedure -- Appendix: Essays on Cicero’s speeches, Pro Quinctio, Pro Roscio comoedo, Pro Tullio, Pro Caecina Voir Luterbacher 1906
Sigle auteur: Roby 1902