Self-reference in Cicero’s forensic speeches

Author: Paterson, Jeremy
Title: Self-reference in Cicero’s forensic speeches
Review/Collection: in: Cicero the advocate / ed. by Jonathan G. F. Powell and Jeremy Paterson, X, 448
Place edition: Oxford & New York
Editor: Oxford University Pr.
Year edition: 2004
Pages: 79-95
Keywords: Droit - Diritto - Law, Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Rhétorique - Retorica - Rhetorics

Corbeill, “American Journal of Philology”, 2006, 127, (1), 144-149 – May, “Classical Review”, 2006, NS, 56, (1), 98-100

Description: This chapter examines Cicero's references to himself in his forensic speeches. The explanation for such self-reference lies in the nature of the courts in ancient Rome and the tactics of the courtroom rather than any self-obsession on the part of Cicero. The key issue was how to talk about oneself without crossing the boundary of arrogance and boastfulness. Cicero justifies the concentration on himself in the usual way by claiming that the prosecution had started it by attacking him. The defence of Plancius shows just how far Cicero had travelled from the young advocate in the cases of Quinctius and of Roscius of Ameria, where he had to counter the greater influence of his opponents, to the wholehearted exploitation of his auctoritas in the defence of Sestius and of Plancius. This aspect of Cicero's advocacy has no modern parallel [Author]. [Powell & Paterson 2004]
Author initials: Paterson 2004