
Auteur: Roman, Yves
Titre: Cicéron
Lieu èdition: Paris
Éditeur: Fayard
Annèe edition: 2020
Pages: 432
Mots-clès: Biographie - Biografia - Biography, Chronologie des oeuvres - Cronologia degli scritti - Works chronology, Héritage - Fortuna - Legacy, Histoire - Storia - History, Prosopographie - Prosopografia - Prosopography
Comptes rendus:

Malaspina, Ermanno, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2022.10.19

Description: [Review BMCR] Roman fulfils his mission of offering francophone readers a biography of Cicero that is pleasant to read, competent in its historical frame of reference, and generally judicious in its statements, despite some flaws. Scholars and students of classics will prefer to devote their time to other readings. Malaspina_141_BMCR_Roman
Sigle auteur: Roman 2020