Work type: Cicero - III - Works known by other authors
[Waiting for an English translation] Lettera politica di consigli a Cesare, scritta a maggio 45, ma mai pubblicata, di cui restano solo testimonianze: Att. XII, 40, 2. 51, 2. 52, 2; XIII, 1, 3. 26, 2. 27, 1. 28, 2. 31, 3 [ErmMala].
Keywords: Bibliographie - Bibliografia - Bibliography, Politique - Politica - Politics
Historical references:
At the beginning of May 45, Cicero, at his villa at Astura, was persuaded by Atticus to start a treatise in the form of a letter on the constitution and administration of the State (now known as the Epistula ad Caesarem de consiliis or Sumbouleutikon) and later, during the same month, he submitted it to Atticus, L. Cornelius Balbus and C. Oppius. However, they proposed so many corrections that, by May 28, Cicero abandoned this project and did not
send it to Caesar who was in Spain at the time (Ad Att. 13, 31, 2-3).
The difficulties encountered arose from the content of the work, but
Cicero tried to solve them immediately by formal means,
that is to say, by moving the context of the discussion to an earlier
time. In the second half of August, he returned to
epistolary genre with a new Epistula ad Caesarem. [ErmMala, English translation by Tom Frazel]
- Andrzejewski, R. Quo modo Cicero commendandi doctrinam in epistulis servavit
- Carpinello, Paola Maria Restituere in Sallustio e nelle Epistulae ad Caesarem senem de re publica : con un confronto di luoghi ciceroniani
- Casaceli, Francesco Ancora sul problema dell’Epistola pseudo-ciceroniana Ad Octavianum
- Garcea, Alessandro Le langage des émotions dans les lettres d’exil de Cicéron
- Malaspina, Ermanno Ventures i desventures de la clementia entre Cèsar, Ciceró i Sèneca
- Menna, Paolino Aspetti sintattici e lessicali di carattere intimo e familiare nelle lettere ciceroniane
- Meyer, Elizabeth A. Epistolary ethos : a rhetorical analysis of Cicero's letters
- Strasburger, H. Ciceros philosophisches Spätwerk als Aufruf gegen die Herrschaft Caesars