Titre: Pro Murena
Type Oeuvre: Cicéron - I - Oeuvres
Mots-clès: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics
Type Oeuvre: Cicéron - I - Oeuvres
An 63
Mots-clès: Éloquence - Eloquenza - Eloquence, Histoire - Storia - History, Politique - Politica - Politics
- Adamietz, Joachim Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Pro Murena mit einem Kommenta
- Adamietz, Joachim Ciceros Verfahren in den Ambitus-Prozessen gegen Murena und Plancius
- Albanese, Bernardo Sull’intervento dell’ "auctor" nella "legis actio sacramenti in rem"
- Arangio-Ruiz, Vincenzo Cicerone giurista
- Arms, J. H. d’ Pro Murena 16 and Cicero’s use of historical exempla
- Berno, Francesca Romana Omnia peccata paria. Intorno ad un paradosso stoico, fra Cicerone, Orazio e Petronio
- Berry, Dominic H. [Trad.] *Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Defence speeches
- Cantegrit-Moatti, Claudia Droit et politique dans le Pro Murena de Cicéron
- Casamento, Alfredo "Parlare e lagrimar vedrai insieme": le lacrime dell’oratore
- Cerutti, Steve M. Cicero’s accretive style and rhetorical strategies in the exordia of select judicial speeches
- Clark, Albert Curtis The Vetus cluniacensis of Poggio, being a contribution to the textual criticism of Cicero Pro Sex. Pro Cluentio, Pro Murena, Pro Caelio, and Pro Milone.
- Collet, Alain Une édition inconnue de Cicéron au XVI? s.
- Cooley, M. G. L. Cicero's Consulship Campaign, A Selection of Sources Relating to Cicero's Election as Consul for 63BC, Including ‘A Short Guide to Electioneering’
- Craig, C. P. The role of rational argumentation in selected judicial speeches of Cicero
- Craig, Christopher P. Cato’s stoicism and the understanding of Cicero’s speach for Murena
- Craig, Christopher P. Cicero's Understanding with the Jury in the Speech for Murena
- Craig, Christopher P. The accusator as amicus. An original Roman tactic of ethical argumentation
- Egri, Mariana " Convivio celebrantur amici " : notes on some ceramic assemblages with a funerary character
- Eguillor, J. R. Humanismo del Pro Murena
- Gomes, Antônio Aloísio M. T. C. orationis pro Murena momentum politicum
- Graver, Margaret The Dregs of Romulus. Stoic Philosophy in Cicero’s Pro Murena and De Oratore
- Grilli, Alberto Riflessi filosofici nelle orazioni di Cicerone
- Herrera Alonso, Josepho M. T. C. pro L. Murena orationis synopsis
- Leon, Harry J. The Technique of Emotional Appeal in Cicero’s Judicial Speeches
- Marinelli, Giulia Tra actio e oratio: alcune considerazioni sui tituli dell’orazione in difesa di Marco Fonteio
- McClintock, R. C. Cicero’s narrative technique in the judicial speeches
- Michel, Alain Cicéron et les paradoxes stoïciens
- Michel, Alain Les origines romaines de l’idée de tolérance
- Narducci, Emanuele Cicerone e il "dilemma" di Gaio Gracco
- Narducci, Emanuele Cicerone e il «dilemma» di Gaio Gracco
- Neuhausen, Karl August Academicus sapiens. Zum Bild des Weisen in der Neuen Akademie
- Noè, Eralda Cedat forum castris: esercito e ascesa politica nella riflessione ciceroniana
- Pape, Louis Du Pro Murena au Pro Sestio : un Cicéron aveugle ?
- Ramsey, John T. Cicero, Pro Murena 29. The orator as citharoedus, the versatile artist
- Reychman-Nawrocka, Ewa De ratione defendendi qua M. Tullius Cicero in oratione Pro Murena usus sit
- Richter, Friedrich Bemerkungen und Verbesserungen zu einigen Reden des Cicero
- Rüegg, Walter Prolegomena zu einer Theorie der humanistischen Bildung
- Schwameis, Christoph In L. Muraenam. Ein Humanist als Ankläger am ambitus-Gerichtshof
- Steinmann, Marc rev. of Elaine Fantham, Cicero’s Pro L. Murena oratio. Introduction and Commentary
- Stem, Rex Cicero as Orator and Philosopher: The Value of the Pro Murena for Ciceronian Political Thought
- Syme, Ronald A great orator mislaid
- Tahin, Gábor Heuristic Strategies in the Speeches of Cicero
- Thomas, Charlotte C. S Cicero’s Philosophical Leadership, an Academic Consideration
- Thomas, Charlotte C. S. Cicero’s Philosophical Leadership, an Academic Consideration
- Yellin, Mark E. Republicanism in Desperate Times: Cicero’s Critique of Cato’s Stoicism